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David's Blog: The Rest of the Way. My story going forward. My Take on Serial: Adnan Did It. December 17, 2014. Adnan kept calling Hae after the breakup, making three short calls around midnight on the night of January 12-13, 1999. What am I going to say? They’re going to talk to me.”. Adnan describes Jay as a casual friend, someone who supplied him with marijuana. He admits hanging out with Jay before and after the murder on January 13. He states that he lent Jay his car so that Jay could buy a b...Hae&#...
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2013年春节,回北方看望爷爷、奶奶,2月3日,大雪 丫 […]. This gallery contains 4 photos. 所以丫头还没出生,我就跟老婆许下宏图伟愿 以后宝宝学什么我就陪他 那时候一直以为是他,直到她哭着喊着出现在我们面前 学什么 所谓的 与宝宝一起成长。 最近,猛然发现自己快四张了,仍是 一无是处、一无所成 ,经历过些许焦虑之后,豁然开朗, 少小不努力,老大徒悲伤 ,趁着我还年轻,才不到四十岁,是时候努力学些东西了. 经过慎重考虑,更重要的是能给丫头学好书法的信心 老爸还没我学得快 嗯,我天生就是差生吗 母女二人一致要求我跟丫头一起拜师学写字。 一只是几年前,健健阿姨送给她,那时候家里还没做好养狗的准备,于是转送给了胖阿姨,并起名健健狗,健健狗在胖阿姨的乡间别墅生活了几年后走丢了,谁也没把这消息告诉过丫头,丫头还一直牵挂着 她 ,总问 现在健健狗长什么样了 还有一只小狗,是三年前的一个晚上,门口持续传来小狗的叫声,爸爸打开门,一只一两个月大的小狗跑进家门,赶都赶不走,因为知道附近没人养这样的小土狗,猜想应该是哪里跑来的小野狗,看 她 可怜,收留一晚,第二天还是拿给了胖阿姨。